Her Flower

"There is nothing in the world more beautiful, more carnal, or more erotic."

She is coy, her seductive allure ready to beguile the unwary. She wields her power with innocence and subtlety.Whether bold or shy, once revealed, she is a feast for the eyes, promising passion and excitement.Exquisite and sensual, she draws you...


"Does one's love last longer than an everlasting's?"

He revived herlike a wilting flowerwatered her with lovenurtured her back to life.He let her be herselflike wild flowers doto let her grow in strength and beautyto thrive in his comfort.He attended to her needslike one arranges flowers with care.His...


"Distance has a way of impacting relationships"

Sometimes I wonder if I have made you up,you seem so perfect and sexually consummate.You cum when I askand do my bidding exactly.Why is that my sweet, I ponder,why do you so pander?It matters not I suppose, because you see,...

A short poem about Morning Glory

"How does a Morning Glory react to the world it's in?"

The sight of a huge morning glory they saycan brighten up even the darkest of daysas well as the petals shaped just like a heartthe trumpet shaped flower's another main part Some form a vine that can twine for supportwhile others...

Shifting Focus

"Free(sia) to love!"

in the corner of the room  my beautiful flower stands proud in a simple crystal vase on a marble pedestal the world glances at her beauty her bright petals wandering over eventually leaning to inhale her intoxicating scent I see...

The Honeybee

"the other side of the truth"

Among the all beautiful flowers, In the garden of dream land, A wildflower... raw one, Was hiding in the shades of green. It was me... all alone. Bees were flying by, Stinky and clever eye, Glistering with dirty greed. Scared,...

My Flowers

"Pics of Flowers"

I love taking pics of flowers;Big flowers, like a big assSmall flowers, like a small waistRed flowers, like the lips Pink flowers, like the pussyAnd many other colored flowers, like the ladies of all races  I take them for My lady friends...

love is a flower

"just a simple poem"

the sun filters downward through the trees  rays of color dancing on leaves flickering greens and yellows before finally reaching outward it stands alone, apart from the rest stem bending, browning purple leaves curling inward darkening on the edges once...