More With Michael : Sharing Me

"Additional detail on my real-life interracial experiences, this time being shared with another man."

Michael was my first Master; I am grateful to him for opening an exciting world of sexuality. This is a look back at what I have been exposed to sexually including cuckolding and group sex/sharing.My current Black Lover, whom I...

Morning Coffee

"A morning-after discussion"

The coffee cooled while we sat quietly at the table.“We can’t do that again,” she stated.“Did you enjoy it?”“Yes. That’s the problem.”“Was it fun and exciting?”“Yes.”“Is that a bad thing?”“Well, no…. but it’s not what we should be doing.”“Why not?”“It’s...

Carnal Avalanche Part 1

"Debra allows herself to be drawn into the world of swinging with two other couples."

In the encroaching darkness, Bald Mountain loomed ominously, appearing impossibly close. The steep ski trails, each one an intimidating challenge to my intermediate skills, spilled down the sides of Baldy's peak as if white sauce had been ladled over a...