Better Impact

"Austin discovers what Sally's wanted and needed for a very long time when the adult toys company they work for gives them a project to work on together."

Sally and Austin worked in the same small department but never on the same project. Market analysis was a number-crunching job reviewing sales data; the promotion, demographics, and seasons of a particular product or a whole line it belonged to....

The Couple That Spanked Before – Part 3: Now And Then

"A face from the past ignites Bertie's memory"

NOWThe aphorism that “you never forget your first” was one that had always bothered Bertie.For one, which ‘first’ was it referring to? His first crush would have been on a classmate in grade school, but which classmate or even which...

The Couple That Spanks Together – Part 18: Audience Participation

"An eavesdropper gets invited to join in on the fun."

Rachel squinted against the dim ring of lights surrounding the bathroom mirror. In front of and around her, the walls throbbed with the heavy beat of the music she’d left playing before she’d slipped in here to “freshen up”. The...

The Couple That Spanks Together – Part 6: You Bet Your Ass

"In which a friend forces Bertie to confront his secrets"

Her name was Sophie, and she’d worked in the restaurant for as long as Bertie had been around. She’d worked as a table greeter and a waitress, and had even put in shifts cleaning dishes when the job had demanded...

Chloe & Simone – Chloe (YNAS) Pt. 7

"Spanking is only a sidebar to Chloe's first lesbian experience."

Back on campus days later, Chloe was still feeling the afterglow of the exciting camping trip and found herself touching her bottom frequently, remembering all the spankings. She particularly loved that in one week, she’d been spanked three times by...

Birthday Spanking

"Wife gives Pete a painful birthday present"

"So, is there anything special you'd like for your birthday?" she asked provocatively. Pete looked up at his wife, wanting so badly to admit the spanking fetish that he'd hidden for years."I could really use a sexy massage and a...