Big Girls Need Love Too!: Chapter 7 – Revelations

"Shelly and Mark find a couple of converts to the lifestyle"

7 – RevelationsShelly and Mark accepted their hosts’ invitation to stay over for a few extra days. Mark told them he had to be back by mid-day on Wednesday because he had an important client meeting but other than that,...

Nancy And Travis – On The Prowl: Part Two

"A return to the bar finds the second stranger willing to go home with the couple."

Nancy and Travis go on the prowl for the second time this evening. They return to the bar where they met the young man earlier. It is their favorite pick-up spot. Like before, they sit at the bar and wait....

The Experiment Of Sexual Pleasure

"I was strapped down on the examining bed, naked, with tubes sticking out of me, and suctions on my nipples and clitoris. I moaned loudly with pleasure"

My name was Lucinda Wakefield from Miami, Florida, and I was a twenty-five-year-old model with long blonde hair. My breasts were relatively big.One day, I was kidnapped from my hotel room by someone. When I awoke, I was shocked to...

A Viagra Pill That Made A Woman Have An Enormous Clitoral Erection

"Louisa's right hand moved up and down on her enormous clitoris that stuck out and looked the size of a erected dick"

Louisa Jones was in her forties and worked long hours as CEO head of a hospital in Atlanta City.One night, she called down to the nurses' station for a night nurse to bring her up a couple of aspirin for...

Flappy – Part IV: Teenage Lesbian Cheerleaders

"As the newest cheerleader at my high school, I spend a night being hazed and having lesbian sex with three other cheerleaders."

I’m Cadey, I just started my senior year of high school and recently turned seventeen. I have blonde hair and am 5’3’’ and 105 pounds with C-cup breasts. After I was live-streamed masturbating for my school football team when I...