June 1969...They erected two tents, maintaining the pretense. When Tom crept into Hank's tent, the moon hid, leaving their forbidden act to the shadows. Both unfastened pants with hurried fingers, bodies expressing the inexpressible. Both eager for the fuck denied them.Repressed urges erupted into...

416 – Part 9

"A private island becomes a sexual haven. Or is that heaven?"

Diana and I woke to the sound of birds chirping outside our window. I got out of bed and opened the shutters to discover what seemed to be the whole avian population of the Bahamas chowing down on the mangoes...

Foolish – The Tables Are Turned

"It’s Emma’s turn to suffer from thinking she would be able to cane her headmistress again"

Emma Peyton was feeling really pleased with herself as she stood in front of the headmistress’s secretary’s desk who was noting on the punishment log that she was due to receive twelve strokes of the cane. Six previously had been...

Kristina’s New Boss Lady

"Kristina is out of practice and her poor quality cleaning leads to punishment"

As Kristina stepped down from the bus and walked along the street, she was just thrilled that she had managed to get back home to the big city after such a long stay away during COVID lockdown. She really appreciated...

It all started with one look... that lingered.Unexplainable attraction ensued. Unstoppable curiosity followed. My straight-and-narrow path took a sharp turn. Life interrupted. Clothes were strewn haphazardly from the doorway to the bed. Sheets wrinkled with my twisting fingers. Lipstick smeared lipstick.Fingernails became coated with cum...

416 – Part 5

"A once in a lifetime job opportunity."

Diana reflected on all that had occurred over the past weeks between David Kingsly, Shelly and herself. Tall, luscious Shelly; David's on and off paramour. David had shared with her earlier this week. The recollection of that tryst made her...