Carla 3

"Things get worse for Carla and Lauren and more interesting with Angela"

When Lauren is busy so is everyone around her. She’s driven and drives her staff. Sometimes it is difficult because although she recognises the need for security, especially in the light of the threats, she is adamant in not curtailing...

Carla – Chapter 2

"Recovery and back to work with a pleasant interlude between them"

I was hiding behind a pepper pot. The frog in the chair facing me asked me how I felt but I wasn’t going to hold a conversation with a frog. The problem with frogs is they can turn into Princes....

Carla – Chapter 1

"A girl's night out doesn't go exactly to plan"

The pretty butch pushed me back against the wall behind the bar and, hands on my shoulders, pressed her crotch hard against mine. I’d noticed the clearly non-biological bulge in her leather cut offs when I’d first caught sight of...

She Was Looking At Me – 2

"Finding something, just not sure exactly what"

We found her sitting in bed. Her eyes were open and a white sheet covered her to just below her breasts, which were naked. They didn’t hang but stood proudly from her, their nipples dark against the white of her...

She was looking at me

"Finding out what I wanted"

The bar I had been told about, my friend said it was where butch women go to find lipstick.‘They are not all nice,’ she had warned but didn’t elaborate. I’d ordered a gin and tonic from the dyke behind the...