Cherry Popped

"Cris finds Red again, and this time she gets what she really wants."

“So let me get this straight. You’re telling me this girl made you masturbate in front of her and rode your face like a fucking horse BEFORE you even got her name? And on top of that, you haven’t seen...

Cherry Red

"Cris finally meets her dreamgirl and gets more than she expected."

Cris stood in her office and watched the crowd with a glass of whiskey in her hand. Sometimes she’d entertain guests there, but tonight she was alone. Solitude soothed her soul on nights like this; busy nights where she had...

Finding Balance… En femme

"A short poem on sissy transformation."

Sheer satin stretched against soft skin, slipping on stiletto heels.Finding balance.Walking tall, spinning free, short silky garments hugging dearly,Finding balance.Feeling pretty, princess sissy, cocktail drinks and party dresses,Finding balance.Makeup, hair, transforming quickly, beautiful girl, dressed so slutty,Finding balance.Fantasies of lingerie,...

Rising Star

"My acting career flourishes with some interesting diversions."

“How the fuck could you be so stupid?’ A well-manicured, glossy red fingernail tapped the picture on the front page of a German newspaper. The headline read, “English actress and star of new tv show leaves club with German woman.” Admittedly...

The Body Politic

"A career in politics."

I was leaning against a wall. Henry Wayne’s election party was in full swing and I couldn’t give a damn. I didn’t like the man personally and would never have voted for him or his shitty party. So, why was I...