Planarscapes: Episode 1: The Quest

"Ariel Summerland is a steam-powered adventurer with a lust for adventure, and many other things"

After an eternity, the darkness began to dissipate. With glacial slowness, nothingness gradually brightened into something. As one epoch faded into the next, and, then, another, the void gave way to corporeal reality. The universe, all thought and emotion, and...

Two In the Bush

"An argument drives Atusko out for a night walk, and into a accidental, voyeuristic delight..."

Atsuko had reached her limit.Slamming her plate full of food into the pristine Belfast sink, she watched the ornate, hand-fired disc shatter, its contents of stir fried meat and soft, mushy rice slumping amongst the shards. Somehow, within the fracas,...

Faith Chapter 1

"Naive Faith grows up"

Faith Boman quickly dressed after cheerleader practice at the Rolle College locker room. She knew that she needed to get home and finish her Calculus homework. As she left the locker room, she saw a group of basketball players standing...

Celeste Forest

"In a bizarre post-apocalyptic landscape a lone woman finds an exotic lover"

With chain-reaction eruptions, neither a whimper nor a bang, the world shattered—was finally remade whole…on a Tuesday. July fifth, 2022, at Cern, was the day the greatest minds of the world proved the lunatics correct. The quest for the Higgs...