Comforting Neighbor

"A young man helps his middle-aged neighbor with some yardwork when he finds out the busty widow is more than a little lonely"

The phone rang for the first time, and my stomach fell deeper into my core. I didn’t think I could feel any more humiliated than I already am…“Mom, do I have to do this—it was just a joke,” I complained...

Flappy – Part III: Butt Chugging & The Eggplant

"One year after getting my nickname "Flappy" the mean cheerleaders behind my humiliation have a wicked anniversary planned for me."

Recap – In part one, the star quarterback of my high football team seduced me and talked me into masturbating for him. I then agreed to allow him to live stream me naked and masturbating to his teammates and the...

Mark And Pam – Chapter 13 – The Conversation

"Mark and Pam practice hoping for good news on Monday"

As the garage door closed, I walked around to open Pam’s door. When I did, she jumped out of the car and made a beeline to the house.“ME FIRST!” she shouted as she disappeared into the house.  I’m lucky.  There’s...