
"No matter what anyone thought of me before, all I ever wanted was to make her happy."

My wife left me alone at the party with specific instructions. In less than five minutes time, I was hopelessly in trouble.I was politely mingling with the crowd, as instructed, which I rather enjoyed. Most of them had already paired...

Games People Play

"Daddy says she is the best, and she gets a chance to prove him right."

Cassie smiled when he stopped her at the door. There was a happy gleam in his eye as he turned and took her hands in his."This is your second to last chance to quit if you don't want to play,"...


"All was lost, I was undone"

A thousand poets could endless writeand never find words to capture the sightof heaven in eyes of deepest blue,that I adore and inspiration drew.They beckoned me closer to the edgeof love's unstable rocky ledge,where my fate was sealed with a...

Watching You!

"A short poem about falling in love with someone from afar."

I fell in love the first moment I saw youCaptivated not only by your true beautyBut enslaved by those alluring blue eyesCaught in the web you'd sprung upon meJust one singular look melted my beating heartDrawn into your warm embraceThose...

Twenty Fingers/Crystal Clear

"A sensually sweet of for Valentine's Day which is just a hug, a kiss, and a shag away"

 Valentine's is nearly here!It's another day to hold you near,to my heart and beating chest,when it's crystal clear we'll reach the crest. It's a treasure chest enhanced with love,that I have been dreaming of,when I gaze into your loving eyes,a mountain...

He Touched My Heart

"He touched me through love and taught me to love."

He touched my heart as he passed by,and brought me peace before he died.He rocked my soul and gave it lifethrough future's storm and bitter strife. My heart was colored by his thoughtshe shared with me through trials bought.He taught...