Comforting Neighbor

"A young man helps his middle-aged neighbor with some yardwork when he finds out the busty widow is more than a little lonely"

The phone rang for the first time, and my stomach fell deeper into my core. I didn’t think I could feel any more humiliated than I already am…“Mom, do I have to do this—it was just a joke,” I complained...

Ravenous Delights

"she is so incredible"

I give you this momentSo that you can seewhat ravenous delightstake shapebetween her and meThe fever that burnsIn the depths of my soulCraving to billow outas she takes holdof my velvet steelA forbidden pulseA stolen tasteif you dareThat wicked biteA...

Red Sparkle

"Voluptuous Tess gets a nasty surprise during her seaside holiday fuck"

As if the lurid colour photo and dissected analysis of her on my MSN news feed are not enough. The impassioned WhatsApp messages of condolence: ‘so sorry for your loss.’ The down-turned smiley emoticons of grief that make her sound...