Penny For His Thoughts

"A young couple's routine Sunday morning gets all tied up"

It started like most Sunday mornings. Sam fetched coffee and pastry from the French place around the corner. Depending on how messy the night before had been, she might shower.  Or she might just doze.  Either way, she would be...

Trap House

"To the nights we won't remember and the people we can't forget."

"Sure, I'll try anything twice."It used to be a cheeky motto she would quote in high school and college when asked to experiment with new, sometimes illicit, often sexually explicit ventures. But she quickly realized how thrilling it was to actually abide by this...

The House Sitter Chapter 1

"Sometimes a want ad gets you more than you advertised for"

Karen and Dave looked over the ad, "House/Dog Sitter wanted, must be mature, experienced, reliable house/pet sitter living in the greater Portland area. Must be flexible, excellent references. Pay commensurate with experience.” “I think we need more details, hun,” Dave...