With anything in life, to become good at anything, it takes practice, and this goes for any skill. There is only one better teacher than experience. Most young men are completely clueless and inexperienced when it comes to women and...
experienced woman
Tamriel: An Erotic Adventure, Ch.2
"Eveli is kidnapped but a friend comes to the rescue"
Guye sat back on the bed as the young Altmer's head bobbed up and down on his cock. The candlelight in the room projected the shadows of their naughty activity onto the wall. Just behind her, an older High Elf...
Summer Fling: Susan’s Perspective
"A summerfling with the lawnscaper from Susan's perspective"
Note: This is the 'Summerfling' story written from a different perspective. Hi, I'm Susan, and I just want to get this out up front: I'm not writing this as any form of excuse. I'm happy with how this all played out....