Melanie And The Photographers

"Melanie is not only my photo model, but of a group of photographers. Finally, we both give them a show..."

I stood behind the camera and watched Melanie slowly undressing herself. I could feel the pulse in my throat as I saw the excitement in her. Her eyes flashed with excitement and her lips twitched nervously."Relax," I whispered soothingly to...

Slowly Moving On: Photographs of a Memory

"Matt flashes back to a night of exploration and more with his wife."

“Jenn?  Hey Jenn, where are you?” I beckoned, entering the house.I closed the door and put my bag down as I slipped off my shoes.  Still no response. The car was outside, maybe she’d gone over to Justine’s.  I threw...

My Brother’s Model

"My first erotic photo shoot is with another girl. And my brother is the photographer!"

I had just graduated from high school with no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was gorgeous, of course, so naturally, I thought, model. I had immaculately pale and creamy skin, a soft and curly ginger...

Thank You, Sister Ella (Part 3)

"Making beautiful music together . . . and another player joins the ensemble"

To say I idolized Ella would have been an overstatement, but not by much. She was better than me – she worked harder at almost everything. Playing solo cello, eyes closed, swaying with the bowing, she was angelic. The 1960s...

Chinese To Go Ch. 2

"Dwaine takes some photos, and i show him a new "trick" to please a woman sexually, and we have sex for the first time"

After I got into the truck with Dwaine we didn’t talk at all until we got to the cabin, only about a two or three-minute drive at most. I don’t think we were nervous, I was not at least, I...


"An electronic antique camera. What purpose could the circuits provide?"

Tooth and nail, the frigid Annie fought to win the bidding for the antique camera, built by Nikola Tesla, later owned by Sarah Moon. She found electronics in a wet-plate camera bizarre–untenable even.There was something unexpected about the antique apparatus....