My Surprise Visit

"She walked into his office, ready to turn their virtual games into an unexpected reality."

I was a bundle of nerves. My hands were clammy, as if I’d washed them and forgotten to dry them. My lips throbbed from being bitten, a casualty of my anticipation. But under the tension, excitement brewed—thrumming through me. This...

The Woodland Clearing, A Tale Of Virginity Lost, And Memories.

"A young couple meet in the woods and she takes his virginity, watched, remembered or dreamed or all three?"

It had been one of those weeks where everything just turned out wrong. A week of sleepless nights trying to comfort little Hannah, who was having a hard time teething, had left him tired and irritable. He had messed up...

Too Far, Too Fast – Chloe (YNAS) Pt. 8

"Chloe's meeting with Professor Mike doesn't go as planned."

Sleep remained difficult for Chloe. She was looking forward to being with Professor Mike again, remembering how, just this afternoon, he’d pulled her into an empty classroom and spanked her. It didn’t matter that it was short: the complete surprise...