Lady Penelope-MILF Of The Mansion 20

"Her Ladyship seeks help, in the wrong place"

"My name is Lady Penelope Ward-Williamson, and I’m a sex addict."The tall and curvy fifty-one-year-old swept back a stray strand of her naturally blonde hair as she addressed the group. She was attending her very first Sexaholics Anonymous session. She...

Lady Penelope-MILF Of The Mansion 18

"Her Ladyship has a bump in the night"

Lady Penelope Ward-Williamson's boudoir was perfection. Dominated by her Regency bed, the room had a high ceiling and was decorated with gilded moldings. There were carved and gilded wall panels and luxurious draperies, expensive curtains, and wall hangings. The two...

Lady Penelope-MILF Of The Mansion 13

"Mother and daughter team up"

"Mother! What ARE you doing?""My dear Charlotte. It's called the cowgirl position.""I know that. I meant, what are you doing, DOING my boyfriend?"A very naked Lady Penelope paused in mid-stroke, impaled on a rather fetching chap with a rather fetching...