“How is she?”“The same, Mr. Anguera.”“Emma’s head isn’t covered any more.”“No. She pulled the covers off after sunset.”“But she was still unconscious?”“Yes.”“It’s been three days and two nights. What is the longest you’ve seen someone sleep?”“People can be in comas...
JoJo And The Doc
"Embarrassing mishap leads to fun"
JoJo feels it starting again and pulls to the side of the road. She closes her eyes, shudders, and waits until she catches her breath.She pulls back onto the street and continues her journey. As she pulls into the parking...
Butterball Hotline
"When cooking gets sexy...."
Caller: “Hello?”119 Operator: “Hello! Happy holidays and thank you for choosing Butterball Turkey! What’s your emergency?”Caller: “Why would you think there’s an emergency?”Operator: “It’s Christmas Eve, sir. Why else would you be calling a turkey company?”Caller: “Well, you’re so right,...
Lieutenant Madeleine Johnson was exhausted, and properly so. She had earned the right to be fatigued. Sixteen hours she had been here with her team today, most of those hours spent outside on the nondescript lawn in front of the Public...
Drill Day
"Emergency management..."
Decorated with a fire-scarred five storey concrete building, surrounded with pitted pavement dotted with all manner of wrecked vehicles--or the husks of those vehicles. Two buses, one articulated, hung forelorn and broken on a hillside, windows long since smashed, tree...