My Fertile Wife Bears My Boss’ Progeny

"My elderly, widower boss uses my wife as his surrogate wife and mother of his child."

My name is Justin, and I graduated summa cum laude in my high school class. Not having wealthy parents, I used a partial scholarship, but mostly student loans, to attend Harvard Law School. I graduated from Harvard at the top...

Old Black Neighbor Breeds My White Wife – Part 2

"A seventy-year-old, black, big-cocked neighbor befriends and fucks my wife and the neighbor's wife."

In Part 1 of this story, I described that my name is Ed, and at the age of fifty-five years old, my wife, Jackie, and I, who was fifty-three, moved into a retirement community in the Phoenix area. We lived...

Night Robbery

"Sex following robbery"

One night when I was working as a salesman, I was in Nashville. I was 52 years old. I got lost and wound up in a sort of rough part of town. All of a sudden, it started raining. I...