You Expected Less?

"It's a bit long, but I think it was necessary. Enjoy."

       And there she was, standing majestically in the threshold of a cubicle, idly conversing with some girl behind a desk who should have been working, but had called over the Goddess carved of mahogany to make smalltalk. Her name...

Diaries of Ceres and Taliya: Part Four

"This is a work of Historical fiction names places chronology of these events have been changed."

  I woke up.  We were home.  Master took me to the house, carrying me upstairs.  We sat around, him babying me which I enjoyed enormously.  He took me in the shower, bathing me gently, but not taking advantage of...

Diaries of Ceres and Taliya: Part Three

"This is a work of Historical fiction names places chronology of these events have been changed."

   It was a most wonderful night for me.  Taliya and me, we touched each other all night long.   It was pure bliss.   Unfortunately, morning came too soon: when Mistress Julia went to wake up Taliya then me...