The Couple That Stays Together – Part 3: Reunion

"An accidental confession leads to a breakthrough for Rachel"

From the notes of Dr. Kelsey Ransom, PsyDBertie and Rachel have been making excellent progress in session. As of my seventh meeting with them, I’m finding that I am able to listen more and mediate less. Bertie has been conciliatory...

The Couple That Spanks Together – Part 20: In Dreams (Rachel)

"Bertie and Rachel fantasize about how to take their relationship to the next level"

She wiped at the sweat coalescing on her forehead, sitting off-kilter on the stump outside of the barn.  The summer heat was unbearable for a young woman who’d only just recently left the comforts of city living, and the stink...

Barking Dogs

"A woman eavesdrops on cheating men"

The hostess led Jessica to a corner table on the patio. She passed two handsome men a bit younger than herself. They looked like classic Finance Bros. One, bearded and in a medium blue blazer, looked her up and down...

Sarah’s Lessons Continue – Part 1

"Mom and sixteen-year-old daughter explore their new relationship"

Linda Harris couldn’t believe what had just happened in those wee hours of early Sunday morning. She had just had a spontaneous sexual encounter with Sarah, her sixteen-year-old daughter! No question, there had been some buildup, especially over the last...

Friendly Neighborhood Perverts

"Thin walls make for close neighbors."

Those days you lived in a shoebox. You often thought about moving to a bigger, nicer apartment in a cleaner, quieter neighborhood, but you somehow never got around to it. Plus, you could walk to work – theoretically, at least. Also,...