God, I’m pissed, Otis dumped me with no reason given; it's just over. And a few days later, his Facebook page shows him out with Sharon. Jesus, Sharon, of all people to dump me for. What a bitch! Ever since...
Sam’s Saturday Night
"Unusually at home on Saturday night, tipsy Samantha helps comfort her distressed younger stepbrother"
“No, you go without me, Kim! Have a great time.” “Yeah I know, but I can’t go tonight; not in this state.” “I’ll be fine by tomorrow, really; Monday latest. I’m really sorry.” “Nah, don’t worry. I’ll be ok. See...
Stephanie – Chapter Three
"Stephanie masturbates her frustration out"
I'd been at college a month now and James hadn't returned any of my texts, calls or Skypes. I was hoping that was because his phone and laptop got lost in the flight, but he would surely have had them...
Tuck’s American Road Trip! The Agony The Ecstasy
"A groom gets dumped at the church on his wedding day and sets out on an unplanned erotic adventure!"
Part One — The Agony & The EcstasyBradley Tucker ‘Tuck’ Grayson was scurrying about his apartment getting ready for his wedding. His long time best friend and Best Man, ‘Bimbo’ Billy Bryson, had just arrived from picking up the bride-to-be’s...