Dianne’s Temptress Tactics Triumph

"A mature man becomes intrigued by Lush photos of beautiful, sexy lady"

My visit to Dianne on Lush revealed a smart, erotic lady showing her true self through a series of enticing, beautiful poses.I was soon gorging on her many beautiful photos, dressed, undressed and provocatively positioned to arouse me.My thoughts raced....

Wicked Weekend Part 2 — A Liaison Years In The Making Finally Erupts

"Old Friends Create a New Chapter in Long-Running Intimacy"

I woke on Saturday morning to the smell of coffee and my wife in a t-shirt and panties watching me. We exchanged a hot "Good morning, sexy," kiss, I got a cup of coffee and took a quick shower. I...

Sex And The Eternal City — Part II

"My sexual education, family vacation, Rome, June 1965"

I woke up with a start.“Laura!” my brother cried. It was the panic in his voice that jerked me to full consciousness.Ray looked horrified, and when I followed his eyes to the foot of our bed I saw the cause...

Sex And The Eternal City — Part I

"My sexual education, family vacation, Rome, June 1965"

I finished the chapter, turned the page, and rested my well-worn bookmark snug in the gutter before closing The Country Girls and placing the book on the accent table next to my armchair. Edna O'Brien’s writing inspired and frustrated me...

The Tick Box Trio

"The Time Has Come For Progress On Their 'Must Try' Lists"

His escapist writing had come to an end and a cool drink brought reality back into focus. The square wasn't particularly busy, but it had become noisier, as the three women who had arrived planned their next move.The loudly discussed...