Cordelia’s Feet 9 – The Queen Bee’s Deceit

"Mrs. Wilkin needs to prove her devotion to Cordelia with devastating consequences."

When you’ve had too little sleep, the world around you seems to be moving at a different speed from you, and everything seems distant and hidden behind a vibrant haze. It is worse when you have spent hour after endless...

Midsummer Blues

"It's summer. Change is in the air. Love lurks around and Bree's life changes in unexpected ways."

“I wish this summer would never end!” Lying on a bale of hay, one naked leg stretched into the sky so my red-painted big toe made a dangerously gleaming eye in the wolf’s head which drifted above our heads in...

Cheerleaders, Jocks, and Geeks

"Matt wants to sit in the popular seats, but his best friend for five years, Gretchen, loves him."

"You just got rejected! Rejected! Rejected!" the cheerleaders cheered with their pink pom-poms . The jock hung his head down as one of the most popular girls, and hottest, walked away. You'd have to be living under a rock to...

My Journey Into Serenity – Chapter 2/3

"Jim struggles between his love for his sister, Serenity, and his ex-girlfriend, Becca."

This is a continuation of an ongoing series called, "My Journey Into Serenity." I'm in heaven. I'm swimming in a sea of one-hundred dollar bills. Naked women, like feathers, started floating down from the cloudless blue sky. With their soft...