Ella And The “Biological Curiosity”

"A Tinder match sparks curiosity, bold desires, and an unforgettable journey of self-discovery in this steamy, daring tale."

Ella had been scrolling on Tinder for hours, and the number of matches she was getting from guys was overwhelming. Nobody stood out. They all looked identical - the same bios, haircuts, and outfits. Nothing was particularly unique or interesting,...

Ella’s Houseparty

"Ella goes to a uni houseparty and gets more than she bargained for when she meets a group of boys who are dead set on making her the star of their show"

Ella had been to this house hundreds of times. It was a three-storey townhouse just North of London, converted into a student home in the mid-1990s. With two large bedrooms on each floor, two bathrooms, a pretty decent kitchen and...

One Summer Afternoon – Part Four

"Lesbian virgins Michelle and Eve discover the wonderful world of girl-girl sex...then Alex joins in"

“Nobody move,” ordered Alex, holding Michelle’s gaze as he readied himself. Ordinarily he might have stopped to admire the beautiful scene: one of his lovers knelt with her crotch in the face of the other, who in turn lay open...