Oboe Reed Poem (blow job)

"Is this a poem about warming up my oboe reed, or sucking on a different type of wood."

Play stupid Reed, crow, come on PlayI soaked you, and dried youI sucked out the moistureI blew through some airBut you sound like some weak whistlePlay Reed, just a little?I've wrapped my lips around you;I've loosened my lips to let...

A Very Carie and Vasily Thanksgiving (An Apartment Stories Special)

"Sexual hijinks disrupt Carie and Vasily's attempt at a traditional Thanksgiving dinner"

So, they were going to give this a try.Carie and Vasily decided they would finally attempt to move beyond their usual pattern of aggravating one another, then indulging in rambunctious, convalescent sex. They had gone through that routine for a...