His words are likethe leather collar around her neckwith chains to each of her nipplesHe commandsHe rulesHis dark presence holds her captiveWithin His embraceher passions are ownedand her soul’s devouredwithin momentsShe’s lost in His world.Pleasure and painHis arms hold her...

Tangled Sheets

"when you have all the time in the world for each other"

Our tangled sheetsNaked bodiestranquil touchesgathering dewdropsSips of lavender and honeyLingering between lipsplunder and thrustingexchanged juicesLasting for hoursCarnal wishes grantedaddictivepowerful desireswrapping your mindYou by my sidemy fingerscontrolling your releaseMaking me craveFor more~Youdressed in lustdriven to madnessby your powerful desiresas they claim...

Alisha Unleashed

"Will the discovery of a betrayal be the end?"

Alisha stood silently and let her fingertips skim the assortment of leather implements on the wall before her. They ranged from the relatively tame to the severely intimidating.How had she not known about her husband’s penchant for whips and chains?...

When Ravens Die

"What happens when the balance of power is abruptly disrupted?"

Deep within a forest in Romania…The  Carpathian mountains rising above the dark green silhouettes of the three-hundred-year-old trees were no match for the splendour of the castle, protected within the virgin forest. On its intricately carved balcony, a young woman...

Don’t Tell Me What To Do

"Helen rebels against her husband with awesome benefits for me"

"Yes, he has got a lot to answer for, Beckham," Helen admitted. "He sort of made tattoos acceptable. I still don't really like them, although..."She was what is often described as a "respectable married woman", ten years into the marital...

Leather’s Kiss (The Full Story)

"A desperate woman turns to a stranger to explore a craving."

Thursday, February 1It proved an undesirable coincidence that today, I planned to discuss secrets and their effects on mental health with my psychology students, and today, I was meeting him for the first time. I began my lecture with, “Everyone in...

Her Wolf

"the power of a look, a growl, and a touch"

First it wasa stare thatundressesall her layersA pressurethat bendsand twiststo his wantedposition.Second it wasjust a low growlbut it was enoughto summondeliciously darkimages ofhis hungerhis needin her mindAssuring herof his promisethat he was her WolfThird he licked his lipsand she felthis...

Chrissie, Chapter 2

"A submissive crossdresser serves his ex-girlfriend and her hubby"

Rebecca’s text triggered the panic button, and in my haste to get ready I stubbed my toe on the bathtub. Ignoring the pain, I focused on my mission: “house needs clean.”Because it was a Saturday and I wasn’t worried about...