The Scent Of Lemon – Part 4

"New outfits lead Rosemarie and Bernie into new desires"

Rosemary pulled over into a convenience store parking lot and pulled the pager from her purse, noting it was a different number on the display. She nervously glanced around, took her phone out, and called the number.“Good morning, Rose.”“Good morning.”“I...

On The Phone

"Mandy receives a call from her mother – not the usual motherly call."

The phone kept ringing; Mandy finally picked it up from its resting place on the bed next to her. She could see it was her mother calling.“Yes, mum,” she replied a little out of breath.“Is your brother there?”“Yes, mum, he...

Side Jobs – Maria and the Permit Problem

"A disgruntled married woman tries something new during a site inspection"

Many jobs, particularly renovations, require permits from the city or municipality and inspections at different stages of the job. As the contractor, I deal with the permits and inspectors to ensure everything is in order and up to code. On...