Bella, a sultry Brazilian beauty with caramel skin and curves that could make a saint sin, prowled through the pulsing nightclub in Rio. Her emerald eyes scanned the crowd, hunting for her next conquest. The bass throbbed through her body,...

An Immodest Proposal (Sarah & Mark)

"Sarah and Mark enjoy a night of consensual kinky fun and fantasies of humiliation and degradation"

Sarah, comfortable in her oversized t-shirt and underwear, sits beside her live-in boyfriend Mark while he searches for something to watch on Netflix. She has her arm wrapped around his, gently stroking his arm with her fingertips. She can smell...

Early Days On The Long Road Home

"A lustful encounter on a time-traveler's journey home."

You’re currently reading a manuscript of Jack Waters. Upon mentioning that name, one of two things probably went through your mind.Either:Who the hell is Jack Waters?Or:The Jack Waters? He’s a legend!In the first case, give it a few years, then...

The Wedding Ring

"Nick meets a seductive young woman at the bar determined to have him."

He wasn't quite sure how he found himself in the situation he was currently in, sitting across the living room from a stunning young woman. They had flirted in the bar and back then it was okay because that's as...