The rhythmic thump, thump, thump of the headboard matched the pounding of my headache. Grabbing the sides of the pillow and covering my ears, I was praying for a reprieve from the creaking bedsprings and sexual groans above me.Moan, moan,...
dirty sex
The Devil’s Pool
"Sometimes you need to do something that scares you to feel alive again..."
Gone was the color in my life. Even nature turned grayscale. Feeling nothing was worse than pain.The goth sign appealed to my dark mood. Shedding my clothes, I slipped in, pitying my sleeping nipples dead to the chilly water lapping at them....
Little Esme in Nasty Natureland
"What is natural in Nature"
Esme tried to understand the world. It was so complicated. She tried to understand herself and she seemed even more twisted and weird.Today she was wandering through the woodlands near her family home feeling lonely and confused. She was barefooted, her sandals dangling...
Agent Baker. A Homecoming of Sorts. Chapters 5-7
"An agent who screws anything with a pulse and a missing operative. Let the debauchery ensue."
Chapter FiveSteve was in his car headed to the airfield. He hated the traffic, but it was part of the job now that he was back in DC on the regular. When he arrived at the airfield, he drove through...
Agent Baker. A Homecoming Of Sorts Chapters 1-4
"An agent who screws anything with a pulse and a missing operative. Let the debauchery ensue."
Chapter OneThe ruggedly handsome and physically fit six-foot-four man was celebrating a little too much at the bar. Really, he had been drinking since three that afternoon. Between the misery and the birthday, he had enough reasons that night. He...
Friends With Benefits – Part 6
"The business starts to flourish"
It was Saturday morning, Roma and Peter had checked out of the Edinburgh hotel after Roma's initiation as a whore. Roma could scarcely believe she had fucked a client for money, much less enjoyed it. With a 50% bonus on top...
Friends with benefits – part 3
"Miss Jones reaping the benefits of the friendship"
Miss Jones went shopping on Saturday to buy a sexy outfit for Sir. She decided on sky blue for the dress, sheer red bra and panties, dark blue shoes and stockings. She bought Dior perfume to go with it and...