Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 10

"I continue my detention in Laura's make-believe classroom, but my ordeal is rewarded in a way that I never expected"

I was sitting in what Laura called detention, writing lines, in her make-believe classroom. And I had just let my stool scrape over the wooden floor, making a dreadful sound, not unlike fingernails scratching on a blackboard. Instantly, I knew...

Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 9

"I discover that I have been caught speeding in my car, and Laura decides that an old-fashioned, school-style detention is the appropriate punishment."

Having survived a traumatic caning, largely delivered by my sister with attempted guidance from Laura, events settled down for a while. The frostiness that had marked the time before my punishment was lifted, and Laura was on friendly, loving terms...

Learning Lola Part 2

"Brandy serves detention under the watchful eye of her secret crush, Mr. Jameson"

DetentionOne Friday in mid-May, I agreed to oversee after-school detention. It was a particularly hot day, I noticed even in the early morning. I wondered what Brandy would wear. Would she remain safe and dress conservatively as she usually did,...

Caught Cheating

"Melissa gets caught cheating in her exam with delightful consequences."

Melissa appeared from the headmistress’ room, her breathing erratic, her hair tousled, nipples still poking through her tight blouse. Beads of sweat adorned her tanned forehead. Her body was a quivering mess.Her friend, Emily, leaned against the wall, waiting for...


"Education sometimes requires hard work... very hard work!"

Mr. Graham was one of those antiquated teachers who believed that today's school students lacked discipline. His desk always had an ample supply of detention slips and he had no reservations in using them to send an errant student to...

Another Good Hard Lesson

"Alex and Antony have another afterschool session, but they're not alone this time..."

For the prequel to this story go to:  You can do this… You can do this…You can do this… Teacher, Antony Collins had been thinking this all day, over and over again as he prepared for his English class later...