Her Way

"Sensuous lady reviews her desires"

Connie, thirty-three, that’s me. Continuously searching. Constantly needing satisfaction, however brief. First orgasm at seventeen opened my mind to wild desires.Frequent iron-hard cock is essential. Foreskin or not. No matter. Fingers wrapped around such solidity is rapture. While tracing the...

She was indoctrinated since her first breath. Yet, sexual thoughts seeped out around the edges of religious teachings. Desires stood steadfast against the threats of Hell.She reasoned He couldn't see her exploring fingers, shrouded by darkness and the covers on her bed.She couldn't resist...

What is my nature? So many questions flood my mindWhat do I see reflected when holding a mirror on my soul?What would a lover see?And another, what might they see?A Mistress here and submissive there, What do they see?Can anyone know my soul...

The Dark Room

"A sexual encounter in total darkness leaves her breathless"

The room was as black as ink. They lay side by side… panting. Their bodies were covered in sweat. The sheets beneath them were damp from sweat and bodily fluids. The air was thick with the smells of sex. Her...

When Do You Know?

"Finding the right one"

When do you know? Within cascading flirtatious momentsAnd accumulated hours of casual canoodling,All that tongue tangling, ear nibbling, ubiquitous sly stroking,Comes the time of steamier intimacies,Fingers that caress to high ecstasy.And words, ardent expressions, warmly whisperedIn the heat of an...

Yin and Yang II

"Blind passion of desires, sultry flames you allow to beautifully burn"

My starship, come and take me up tonightThe galaxy awaits our midnight flightThe stars bow as we ascendSpeed years away from earth The cosmos parts as our souls interweave to blendTouch me softly, no echoing voices deny this pleading, as I sayThe universe...

Torn Between Two Worlds I

"One brings the gentle loving, the other brings the ecstasy of the blissful rain."

Torn between two worlds, deep-rooted emotions of its originAs I was gradually and sweetly pulled inA triangle of its sentiments to fall into temptation of its sinYou were written into the song of my soulEarth and Moon my heavenly warmth...

Feed me Dopamine Dreams

"Handful of silk sheets as your tongue rides"

Feed me Dopamine DreamsThe fantasy of your erotic wet dreamsTake my mind to a state of universal sereneSo many have tried, all have failedCould it be the stigmatism of life’s Heads or TailsEmotional Head given by the rub of a...

Temptation Realized

"Vera goes home with Marti for their rendezvous with Andy."

As Vera stepped inside the door to Marti’s apartment, she was pleasantly surprised to find a well-furnished and large living room. It looked very comfortable, making Vera feel at ease.“Your apartment is lovely,” Vera told Marti as she looked around....