Where do I Find Love ?

"Love just appears when the context is right and the ingredients are present"

Where do I find love ?Love as vast as an oceanLove that allows meto plumb the depths of myselfbut most of all you ?Where but you?For we are likeroses that blush their perfumemassaging scented oils of jasmineinto our sighsGripping musclesand...

Her Dream

"The power of words"

Dream the wordsthat poet whispersin your mindFeel the dewdropsthat turn to a brookin your pantieswhile your consciousnesshungers to travelto the dark side of your thoughtsDiscover the personyou have hiddenfor many yearsas your sexuality is pepperedby dew drops of pleasurein the...

Our Sanctuary

"enraptured by her need and her beauty"

In the sanctuaryof my loving embraceshe found her peaceand I found my solaceFeelings that havebecome so deeply rootedthey have become engrainedIt is therethat she and Ishall forever remain~Our journey to this placeof intimacy and graceof joy and hungerand intimacy shared~My...


"walking under the night sky can have a gorgeous ending"

Along thetwisted turnsof life's path,we walk togetherhand in handsoul to soulOur hearts theshape of loveand a light to guidein darkest nightsUntil we reachthe far and thenwe know againthat we willwalk togetherunder countlessconstellationsstargazingcrescent reflectionsmirrored cross her eyesMy teeth grazingdark intentionstrailing down...

Gentle Play

"Intimacy can be powerful, especially when it is gentle"

I stroke her pale, hairless mound, and she rocks with the rhythm of my gentle caresses, deeper now.I kiss her soft mouth, which opens so our tongues can explore.We kiss harder now as our passion builds.I want all of her,...

My Craving for You

"Cravings are important"

It was morethan just sexI cravedyour sophisticationThe way youspoke my nameMy tongue salivatingin anticipation...Your curvesyour laughthat knowing winkand smileI would drive all nightand all daynot caringabout the milesTo meyou are pricelessDefinitely one of a kind.Across your skina tender touchyou quiet...

Sepia Nights

"my thirst for her just keeps growing"

New moonSepia nightsA spell of seductionas tears flow like rainCareful whispershushed painLet me read my poetrywith my lips on your skinI havea perpetual thirstfor your fiery passionIn walls of sleetBreathless and blindedsoaked wet sheetsof molten loveShared eternallydeep insideYour loveenriches meYour...

Adorning the Page of my Life

"Just simply poetry"

You are the poetrythat adornsthe pages of my life.~And I found youIn the spacebetween worldswhen I waslooking for myselfTraversing thedarkest skiesIn search of freedom~And here you areBefore melike an AngelTo rescue mefrom myunholy demise~Youwho like twisting fatehas me spellboundby your...

Your Dirty Thoughts

"How do you see me?"

When you draw me in your minddo it so you never forget me at all~For the poetryI write across your skinI do so with my tonguefor I adore the wayit makes you squirmyour legs shakingtill they come undone~I want that...

A Scribbled Kiss

"A kiss that leads, is good for the soul"

My sensual scribblesbegin like a kisson the crookof her collarbonesending tinglesup and downher spineI grind againsther curved assI hear her mewlsas my shaft splitsher cheeksI know thatI shall writemy dirtiest poemtonightI dip in her firedeep in her stormSlowly consumedby my...