My Rhapsody

"She is my song"

In each other'ssensual embraceA rhapsody ofendorphins dancingAn intimate symphony ofunderstandingScents merge asbody and mindsentwineRhythmic breathsmimic those ofrapid heartbeatsSensual footsteps twisting like dense vinesA euphoric kiss cascadingexpelling air from her lungsShe growls out the wordsYou're all mine!~Moans and whispersfill the airA testamentto...

Visions Of Love

"When she holds my hand and I feel her presence"

We lingerin quietnessBesottedby visions of loveand deepest passionMy serrated breathheld within parched lungsarid and achingLost to timeand the savored fearof an unknown tomorrowthat wouldtake back my sightto devour my darknesswith fierce determinationAn intoxicating blendof promiseand fervorous intentionLips and limbsEntangledEnrapturedEnvelopedwithin whispered...

Feral Love

"It just happens"

When dusk and dawnEntwine in an embraceand star crossedsoulstravel and meetin their astral spaceAmongst gossamer dreamsthey dance with lustand effortlessly swayIn this magical hournever getting lostthey find their wayto a realm of heatWhere time stands stillembracing desireA spell that bindstwo auras...

It Started With A Smile

"She is perfectly divine, yet perfectly imperfect"

Coy smiles andinnocent laughterSherbet kissesthat bring subtledelightsShe licks the want frommy scintillating bodyWhile IIndulgeher fevered needsTonightthere will be no respiteas we play outour wildest fantasiesand bathe in heavenlystreams of moonlightTaking our timewe savorevery momentI moanBaby girl your so hotin my...

My Body Is Yours

"When the want is to take all that you desire"

My body is yoursTouch itFeel itStroke itRun your fingers over my skinStraddle my lapTake controlSlide your hands inside my shirtSqueeze my pecsFeel them tenseMake my nipples hardenThen use your mouthLet your blazing kissShow me I'm yoursThen leave love biteson my...

My Ache

"sometimes aches are both powerful and good"

I hear your voiceIn my dreamsBeckoningFrom the veiled beyondOf my consciousnessStirringWithin my soulAn acheA heartbreaking hungerFor the piecesof you, I might never holdyour body was madeto be drapedwith my wordsfor youare the darknessI craveAgainst the blindinglight of this emptyHorizonLet my...

Her Most Precious Jewellery

"she is my enticement"

She is dressed inher most precious jewelleryHer naked thoughts~Hips pressed together tightbeneath music and moonlightshe whimpersas I lean inand whisperwhat my cascading fingersseek tonightInhalations whisper of longingMy breath stokestracing her sighsMy fingers pirouetteslow and rhythmiccomposing tones on her curvesDipped in...

She wanted himhe was herdefinition of desireshe never knew how engulfingthe flames could be till nowthe only thingthat could bringher back to lifewas his lipshis handsshe would follow himto the end of timejust to have anothermoment with himall she knewwas...

My Fulfilled Desires

"Passion shared is such a beautiful thing"

Your smile eclipsesthe love in my heartFor it bridges the spacebetween my heart and soulThe light withinyour own heartfires my desiresWe coupled upin an endless pulseof mutual creationPoetic sensationsbound to spicy rythmscomposed bypenetrating emotionsand my rod of fleshDancing together likepassionate...