An Illusion Of Her – Chapter 1, Wires And Whispers

"In a world where freedom feels like a dream, a man and the 'woman' he loves are willing to risk everything to escape a system that’s never cared about either of them."

Eddie stepped off the skiff with practiced ease, his polished shoes tapping against the slick stone of the jetty. The rain was relentless, a dull mist that made the world feel both closer and farther away. Royce’s estate loomed ahead,...

Your luminosityAnd falling starsmeets my rougharound the edgesI grasp your curvesand engrave my namedeep insideAs curiosity devoursour soulful criesFulfilling all ourwaiting pledgesA danceof contrastswe collideOpposites fuelingpassions wicked rideYour presenceshapes uneven linesIn a world fullof imperfectionsWe savored the divineas I fistedyour...

Holding Her Close

"Just becasue"

I could hold you closeuntil you drift awayYou’re the only visionwhen I close my eyesNo words could ever sayhow much I want youEvery dayI’ll find a wayto make you mineIn these quietmoments we alignSoft whispersmurmur asour souls entwineWhilst time stands...

My Wolf

"From her perspective"

She said,“Tempt me, my wolfWith your eyes that shineYour alpha's howland our deviant crimesMy legs like a vicewrapped aroundyour headMy hands cuffedyour titillating thrilla piquant spreadIn your gripmy mind is lostNo thoughtsto be foundYet myspiritual awakeningis now coming outreverberatingour passionate...

To Be His

"She is all he could want, He is all she has ever craved"

She is hard-workingA force to be reckoned withYou might saythe master of her own fateButat the end of the dayshe lets all that weightFallto the floorAnd surrenders herselfInto the handsThat give herwhat she has always desiredand moreHands that takeher to...

Her Secret Places

"A gentle touch can often lead to much much more"

My hands delveInto your secret placesstroking soft foldsfuelling sensual embracesMy fingers slip insidea gentle invasionunleashing shuddersof euphoric sensationSoftly I cupyour large rounded firm breastsmy thumbs teasing your nippleserect and firmly pressedYour moans enticea sultry serenadeas I worship youMy burning passionleaving...

My Tongue

"Because I can"

My tonguelike ivywound around her soulStimulating her mindher body tremblingwith m tonguesrhythmic controlMy touchelectrifyingStunned into euphoriashe is unable to speak...She calls meher explorer's dreamas I navigated her bodyTweaking her tender peaksmy caress ignitesa slow-burning achewhere pleasure,and pain entwineAs she yields...

Tangled Bodies

"When passion is unleashed only good things happen"

Bodies tangledeach thrust a ravenous needFriction blazes in twilight's hushWhere our undeniablepassions proceedWildest desires unleashedraw and full of frenzied greedYour skin my canvascraves my artistic touchFingers tracing pathsof pleasureSlowdeepand oh so lushLips devouring every curve,every contourTongues entwinedA savagesweetand merciless surrenderBreasts...

My Cravings

"I am insatiable for her taste"

I crave the tasteof your skinIt's so sweetI am addicted to that rushof when our bodies meetI don't care where we areor who might seeI need to feeldeep within youFeel your nailsdown my backKind ofwild and beastlyIn a dark alleyor...

Soft Rain

"Just to spend time with her"

Your namelike soft rainsoaking intomy naked skinuntil I becomeliquid poetryStrolling beneaththe weeping skieswe find solacein the stormour heartsbeating drumsin timedistant thundersroarAs rain mingleswith our whispersyour lipsA lightning boltignite a sparkin the tempestof our soulsIn this downpourwe are notmerely twobut one