She Is In My Head!

"she is in my thoughts and I don’t want her to leave"

She said Think of mewhen you're all aloneAnd your handsbegin to roamWhen you yearnfor my touchmy tastemy moansAnd you can't resistthe urge to cumYour body quiversand your heartskips a beatYou can't denythe rush you're inWould you think of mewhen you...

She Melts My Defenses

"in the dead of night my world comes alive"

Late-night conversationwith you makes me weakYou melt my defenseswith such intense heatWhen you kiss me with passionA frenzyA fireonly by her sidedo I ever feel desireYour beautiful eyesdelicioustender lipsinspire meLift me upMakes me laughYou make me euphorically tripYour touch was...

Nighttime Wants

"Is it only for nights, or for days as well ?"

Our nights filled with passionLasting memories were madewith our smiles and laughterswirling in an intimate game.Small and yet lastingremnants that shall remainThe bite marks and bruisesThat now cover your skinthere is no ending to where we beginSleeping so peacefullyYou'll wake...