Rebecca’s Career Change

"Where will her life now take her?"

Since Rebecca resigned from the news agency, she had neither frittered away the money saved during those frenetic years of dashing from one country to another, following a 'hot' new story, with all her living expenses paid by her employers,...

Amy’s Honeymoon

"Amy enjoys the ultimate honeymoon nooner"

It was just past noon when Eric took my hand and led me out the rear screened door of the bungalow into our stone walled courtyard.  Overhead palm branches filtered the sunshine, providing protection for our already naked bodies, as...

The Storm, Our Storm

"A stormy afternoon on the rooftop"

What is it about the pounding rain, the thunder and lightning of the storm that brings out the animal in us. Our roof garden patio is open to the sky, the wind and the rain, but not visible from our...