Red Hair

"Lusting after a lady"

I was struck dumb. The flame red hair as it entered the room instantly drew my attention. The flowing locks fell across her face and framed her beautifully. Her dark brown eyes seemed a contrast to this vision; they appeared...

Morning Worship

"A cold commute gets a little warmer"

I rode the bus to work this morning. It was cold and empty - a symptom of the crisp late autumn air, the kind of weather that turns your breath to steam and your extremities into fumbling appendages that lack...

Fantasy At Work

"Daydreaming as I watch a hot coworker walk across the room"

Do you have any idea what you do to me every time you walk across the room? Your tight jeans highlighting your shapely ass, pussy lips on either side of the crotch. A little belly flesh and your tramp stamp showing under...

Rod laid down on the patio lounge to rest a moment. His 49-year-old body was already tired and it was still only early afternoon. The day was excessively hot and he was wearing just a pair of tattered faded red...

Daytime Dream

"She comes to me during a dream"

Decided to go for a stroll,But found a bridge with a troll.Then I went off in a different direction,But on further inspection.To which I discover to my dismay,For which my mind has to outweigh.As I came to a fork in...

Notes to a Cuckold

"A bored husband daydreams about his wife and her friend"

To hear your wife tell it, you are the perfect husband; the only man that she will ever want because no other man has ever – or will ever – love her more deeply and selflessly.Attentive; caring; considerate: these are...

Secret Little

"Laying in bed thinking about her again eh?"

So, who is that girl who fills your mind when no one is around?You know the one I’m speaking of, she is in your head right now.The one who makes your body ache in the middle of the night?Let’s take...