The Ball Game

"Watching the Super Bowl with horny American friends while playing a drinking/forfeit game leads to a game of balls - as well as other things."

The Super Bowl, the biggest game on the planet. If you’re into (American) football, at least. It’s not big in the UK, but it has been on TV here for ages and does make it into the news, even if...

Anne’s Dare

"During a hotel stay, and after sex, a couple are told of a message at reception. The husband requests room delivery"

Freshly sexed,Anne accepts the challenge nervouslyAnd waits for the knock at the doorGoose bumpsTingling anticipationShe shivers, despite the room’s ambient warmthTime slows to an agonising crawlAs she awaits the messenger’s arrivalDeep breaths fail to placateJangling nervesTotal exposure awaitsThe unsuspectingAnd as...

Public Dares

"This story is based on the true adventures of my sexy girlfriend and I."

Ann and I decide to take a day off work.  It's late October and we have let the sexual tension build to an all-time high between us.  Every chance we get at work we are grabbing, sucking, and licking on...