The Slow Dance

"Have you ever just wanted to breathe someone into you ?"

I was slow dancingbetween the wordsof her breath~In every curve of every letterof her wordsI am presentIn the spaces betweenI feel her~I feel hereverywhere I breatheeverywhere I thinkand everywhere I dreamEspecially when I write and writeI write to trace the...

The Dance of the Sated

"The dance where nothing else matters"

Beat after beat our tongues dancethrobbing rhythms plunderLike our feet, when our passions tangoIn sync but lost in the musicWe let go to the singing of the universeDancing like devils the night is oursIn the heat of the nightthrobbing rhythms...

Takes Two to Tango

"I was mesmerized while researching dance by the tango. So sexual in it’s concoction, provocative in its display, yet ‘simple’ at it’s core"

A palpable, mesmerizing physics betweenEvery step forward invading spaceEach step back a retreatThey dance, chests velcroed, in a tango embraceBlood coursing through their veins, igniting desireOxytocin and endorphins swim through expanded arteries Chests, neck, and face flush with arousal They continue in...

Nisha’s Husband Swap Chapter 2 : The Swap Begins

"Meenakshi took her cue and leaned forward, removing her bra and draping it seductively over the back of the sofa before resuming her recumbent position, playing with her hair."

When Meenakshi heard Chris knock on the bedroom door, she bid him to come in.She lay reclined against the arm of a large, white leather sofa in the soft glow of a wall lamp. With her feet on the sofa...

Timothy Part 2

"Tim continues his sexual advanture at the schoo dance"

Sarah Atkins lay next to her husband, still wondering what to do about Timothy. Her husband was now laying, with his back to her and snoring. As Sarah recalled her time with Tim, she felt her juices beginning to flow....

Free June

"Seducing her body to free her mind, seducing her mind to free the girl."

“My finger is wiggling in my pussy right now.”“April May, I didn’t need to know that.”“June. June-June. That is absolutely something you need to know,” April May sighed. Nothing was more important than getting to June but on some days...

The dance – Ch. 01

"The pleasures of a good dance with Aunt Maggie."

It was an end-of-year party. A party hall with several families gathered.We danced.My eyes glued to hers, I was in love with that mature woman, confident, laughing, and as always very well dressed. A charm. I didn't even realize how...