K-I-S-S-I-N-G Part 1

"Angelica kisses her older brother while playing a game of Dare. Now she can't get enough."

January"Angelica. I dare you to kiiiiiiss..." Mariah let the word linger as she looked around the small group of her peers, deciding who she wanted the shy girl to kiss. Angelica sat sideways at her desk, dressed modestly in her...

Thoughtful Boy

"Can she dodge his awkward philosophy heavy chat up technique and just get boned?"

"Do you believe in other universes?"Sure, she thought, sucking a cigarette in frustration. There's one where you didn't say that, and I fucked you."What if for something good to happen, something bad has to happen? If I'm happy, then someone else is...

It was Hot Outside In Texas

"Tanya was a cutie. Who knew she was also a hottie?"

Tanya was a hottie and she knew it. She was a cute black girl that lived in my apartment complex and while, I didn’t know her on a personal level, we connected on a different level, each and every time,...