He looked at me like I was the sexiest girl alive.I’m not to everyone’s taste but I was his.Now, will you look at me like that?Will you find me sexy?Sadly I know you won’t.You still want to see me even...
Sex At A House In The Country
"Sex with a curvy college girl at her house miles outside of town"
I met Penny in the common lounge at the engineering building, and from the start, I could see she was anything but conventional. I'm not sure why I went over and started talking to her. She was attractive, to be...
The Girl in the Cheap Beret
"My One-Night Stand at a New Years Eve Party"
“I really like your beret,” I said, “It makes you look stylish and independent.”She smiled. "Yeah, this is the first time I've worn it," she said, "does it make me look lovely?""It accentuates what's already there," I replied, "You're quite a lovely woman."She...
My MILF One-Night Stand
"A college summer intern has a night with a hot MILF..."
Living alone that summer was a drag. I was working a summer intern job between my Junior and Senior year, but since I had never lived in that city and had no friends there, I couldn't figure out anything to...
Lather and Release
"Unwinding after a long day with a shower and a facial."
What a fucking day. The heat was intolerable, coupled with stifling humidity. Gloria's office was usually quite comfortable but the AC just wasn't keeping up that Wednesday afternoon.She felt like a steamed ham by the time she was able to...
Football Buddy Part Four: First Date with Kathy
"Another first date, this time with Kathy."
"Wow," I said as I looked at the view of the city. "That's the second time you said that," Kathy smiled from behind me. "Well," I said, standing against the glass window of her office. "I know you said you worked in...
A simple smile
"After a break things can either go down or they can go up"
"Almost there guys," I said as I looked into the back seat. My two Malamute dogs looked back at me. I hated seeing them like this, cooped up in the back seat of my SUV. "I'm sorry," I said as...
Lust & Open Road
"A story about choosing lust over modesty and giving a show in the car"
My boyfriend is twice my age. We met when I was twenty-four and he was forty-nine. I have always been enamoured with older men, but I don't want to be with an older man who only wants me because I'm...
A Blissful Workout Part 1: Prologue
"Melinda worries about her figure, but her best friend is more concerned about her sex life"
"I'm getting podgy," Melinda groused over her second glass of wine. With a sigh she pinched her stomach through her dress. "See that? Fat.""You're not podgy," her best friend Cassidy laughed over her own glass, before reaching out to tickle...
He liked his women bigHe enjoyed curvy assesHe liked her to wear wigsAnd experiment with glassesHe liked her to role-playHe'd bring in lots of toysThey'd play all kinds of waysThe games always brought joySex was the main eventHe liked to...