Lunch with Sue

"A woman's account of how her sexual frustration was relieved by family and friends"

My thirty-ninth birthday was approaching, I was taking stock of my sexual situation and I wasn't impressed. A cv including two ex-husbands and several former lovers was nothing to boast about. Nor was my current solitary state. No doubt I...

The House at Number Seventeen

"A nostalgic revisiting with an unexpected outcome"

Theodore F Walker was back in Vienna. Passers-by would have seen a slim man in his early fifties strolling in the early spring evening, apparently with no fixed objective. In that they would have been mistaken. Theo was early for...

The Videographer

"A vouple's attempt to improve their sex life provides an unexpected bonus"

If anyone had asked them - though nobody ever did - they would have said they were just an average couple. Which begs the question what is average: who knows what an average couple gets up to when the bedroom...

Fuck of the Century

"Fawn's 1st fuck is the best ever"

It took me a few weeks after losing Heather, but finally I went out bar hopping. I am in a straight and gay/lesbian club, dressed for seduction, and feeling almost foolishly brazen, sitting at the bar, sensuously smoking a cigarette,...

The virgin maid

"She was a wonderful maid, but he failed to fuck her well, so she remained a virgin."

The virgin maid (you just scroll down until you get to where it says: "This story to be continued", and resume  on your  reading of second part. Thanks. %%%%%%%%%%%  I almost rip her open...  she would no longer be a virgin. I...