His Fixation – Part 2

"Paying for the privilege, Mr. Frost has his fun with Aurora's tits."

I didn't see Mr. Frost again that afternoon. When I arrived at my tiny studio apartment shortly before six, the hours remaining until I had to return to the office seemed to stretch out into eternity. Too nervous to eat, I...

Private Time (Part 2 of 2)

"Logan and Wren move on from self-pleasure to sharing it with each other."

If I hadn't been so unbelievably hard and horny, I might have hesitated before joining Wren in my bed. But my need to come overrode all other thoughts. I hurried toward my friend, who was still flushed. Standing at the...

“The Three Of Us” – Chapter 2:- “A New Routine”

"David gets used to living on his own and the rewards it brings..."

With my move into my flat came a new routine...From my new home, it was only a ten-minute walk to the small engineering company where I worked, not a thirty-minute drive. I was the only manager there and the seventh...

The Workings Of Lust – Part 3

"Emmy indulges in plenty of sexual exploration during her secret encounter with Adam."

The next two weeks passed at an agonizingly slow pace. Now that I was finished with school, I spent more time cleaning houses for money, but no matter how busy I was, I constantly thought of Adam.When Blair finally reached...

Transforming Genevieve Chapter Four Part One

"Gen considers an affair with a married co-worker. Then gives a student some special help with his writing skills."

Tuesday dawned overcast and dreary. The Weather Channel was calling for intermittent rain showers later in the day. It would be a good day to spend my free time between classes catching up on paperwork. I had already decided to...

A Win-Win

"Two roommates engage in mutually beneficial stress relief."

Though it was well after midnight, I remained awake, my restless movements tangling the sheet around my legs. Insomnia, which had plagued me since I started grad school, was becoming more and more frequent. Swearing under my breath, I sat...

Mistress C Opens A New Door!

"Mostly a true reflection of what happened the day my Mistress wearing panties."

We are in Victoria's Secrets, looking to use one of our free panty coupons; one of the pretty, twenty-something associates has guided us to the right display, the two of you are making light chit-chat when she asks you what...