Cassie’s Wet Dreams: Boston Marathon, April 17, 1972

"Layla, you’ve got me on my knees. Layla, I’m begging darling please. Layla, darling won’t you ease my worried mind…"

Cassie drove south from Maynard on Route 27, then east on Route 9 into Wellesley, and was mildly disappointed that Routes 3 and 1 weren’t part of the itinerary. Neil Young and Linda Ronstadt were belting out Heart of Gold...

His Fixation – Part 2

"Paying for the privilege, Mr. Frost has his fun with Aurora's tits."

I didn't see Mr. Frost again that afternoon. When I arrived at my tiny studio apartment shortly before six, the hours remaining until I had to return to the office seemed to stretch out into eternity. Too nervous to eat, I...

Bad Medicine

"A fictional romp starring Kat of DannyandKat. A man with a persistent erection calls 911 for help, and only one nurse can provide the special care he needs."

“Nine-One-One, what’s your emergency?”“My dick is swollen! Something’s wrong with it! It’s been hard for like eight hours!”“What is your name?”“Chet.”“Chet, what is your location?”“Uh, 1926 Davenport Drive.”“Stay calm; help is on the way.”The dispatcher muted her microphone and yelled...

April 1926, Part 2

"Julia snorts a couple of lines with a handsome stranger, then a queue forms outside her door. Her best friend's father Harvey helps clean up the situation."

“Hiya, angel; want a drink?”“No dice, bub. I just finished convincing my best friend to lay off the sauce.”“Smart kid. That stuff is nothing but trouble.”Julia looked the man up and down. He was older, maybe around thirty? He wore...

March 1926, Part 1

"Redheaded 19-year-old Julia celebrates St. Patrick's Day with two guys."

“Jules, are those your cousins?” Daphne asked, looking over Julia’s shoulder at the entrance to the grand ballroom.Julia turned and looked behind her. “Yes, those red-headed weasels are the Culligan boys,” she said with a sigh.“Aw, I think they’re cute!”...

February 1926

"An anniversary dinner for two is interrupted by a third."

"This roast is excellent," Harvey Davenport remarked, wiping his mouth with a napkin.Delilah looked across the dining room table at her husband. "It certainly is. Margaret has outdone herself tonight.""Nothing but the best for our anniversary, darling." Harvey chuckled. "Twenty...