The Unholy Gig – 4

"Eva receives her well deserved relief after saving the world"

Led by Selene, Eva was guided into a smaller, darker room. This space was clearly different from the main chamber; it was a BDSM dungeon, equipped with various devices and implements. The room was dimly lit, creating an atmosphere of...

How I Solved My Own Murder

"A group of random high schoolers who don't even like each other hiding out in school for an entire weekend in search of a secret sex cult that probably doesn't even exist."

What you are about to read was written in a notebook found hidden in the lining of the anorak worn by eighteen-year-old Jennifer Charleston, who, in 1991, was found stabbed to death with a ballpoint pen through the throat behind...

The Couple That Spanks Together – Part 20: In Dreams (Rachel)

"Bertie and Rachel fantasize about how to take their relationship to the next level"

She wiped at the sweat coalescing on her forehead, sitting off-kilter on the stump outside of the barn.  The summer heat was unbearable for a young woman who’d only just recently left the comforts of city living, and the stink...