Hubby’s Helper: Part One

"Wifey has a plan"

“I think we should get you a harem.” Kristen surprised Pete with her random remark while watching TV. Her husband’s jaw dropped, his eyes wide with disbelief.“A what?”“A harem,” Kristen repeated.“Well, I know what it is,” Pete replied, still more...

Luke And April: Birthday Cake

"April finds the perfect cuckcake for Luke's special day"

The calendar was on April’s side. Luke’s birthday was swiftly approaching, and she had just secured the perfect gift, a cute little ginger fuckdoll. Her rendezvous with her coworker didn’t quite go as planned. It went better.April and Faye both...

Rekindled Desire: Part Two

"Can a pizza girl save Shae and Joshua’s marriage?"

As the evening approached, Joshua’s mind was consumed with thoughts of Bree. The anticipation of their upcoming dinner at his place filled him with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He couldn’t deny the hypnotic pull he felt towards her,...

Luke And April: Car Wash

"A trio of hot coeds are hosting a car wash, but have eyes for getting dirty with Luke."

Luke continued down the sun-drenched sidewalk at a forced and awkward jogging pace. His ongoing knee rehab demanded he dial back his pacing and ease into his regular workout routine. In practice, the jog only added to Luke’s impatience and...