Outside The Cube

"What happens when friends are coming over and want to watch The Cube?"

“The Cube? What is this movie about? Some kind of horror stuff?” I heard Steve from the living room. “Put it in and check it out,” Mike answered. I froze. Which DVD were they talking about? The sci-fi-horror directed by...

Inside The Cube

"What if you wake up in a cubic room with strangers beside you?"

I opened my eyes and I checked the area around me. I was lying in a shiny room with metal walls. There were round doors in the middle of each wall, even the ceiling and the floor had two, respectively....

Hot Summer Day

"Playing with ice cubes to take the edge off the summer heat."

I live in the midst Rocky Mountains of Montana, where the winters are cold and snow packed and the summers are hot and arid. My wife and I are a young couple. We are both college students in our early...