In the hopelessly overcrowded subway, it feels like rush hour after work in Tokyo. From the cold platform, people are streaming in, close to each other, clinging to all sorts of impossible grips, eagerly awaiting their evening at home.I am...

For a Friend

"Just an intro..."

Thirty seconds was all they had. For her it was all it took. Her mind was a whirl of alcohol and euphoria; the infectious intoxication of the evening's events to that point swirled in her consciousness to create a maelstrom of desire...

Gypsy Queen

"She’s the Gypsy Queen, looking for him in the crowd, dancing to her destiny"

While you are dreaming of the moments to come, I write verses. These lines I pen are from the heart, and when it starts I cannot stop. Although my soul is a wandering nomad, my passion is that of a...