Parallel Mirrors: Reflected Realities

"Is it real or delusion? Either way, Freya can orgasm herself into another realm"

What is real? Philosophy and science merely describe, never define, the fabric of reality, and one’s place in it left nebulous. Pondering the essence of existence, an exercise of mental academia, was, to Freya, a question of paramount import. While...

The Knife

"A man wasn’t afraid to stick it in crazy."

Wanda steered clear of hotel bars, the safe havens of lazy huntsmen. She sought, instead, sex-fattened opportunists whose keen eyes indifferently stalk prey. Whether or not they realized that they were being judged in return was of no consequence to...

Marking You

"She marked her claim. He’ll figure out later what that means."

I feel the final twitches as you empty yourself into my mouth. Only your tip remains there with my lips wrapped tightly behind its head. I carefully pull back, my tongue caressing the underside as it plops out, defeated. I...


"It's a fact of life"

Unless you hide yourself awayYou’ll likely meet one on most daysYou know the kind - they seem quite niceIf not, then they are harmless types You share a laugh, a latte, lunchOr if online, you talk enoughThat you think this...

Island Heat Pt.3

"Lisa and I nearly got caught with my dick in her."

PART III Two months ago I got a call from my sister Amanda, she wanted to have lunch, she had something to tell me and would rather say it in person. Earlier in the morning before I left for work,...