Pink Ponce’s Older Man Erotic Fantasy – Teach Me, Guide Me, Tell Me What to Do.

"Twenty-three-year-old Pink Ponce spends her days reading erotic stories and today, she lives out her most favored sexual fantasy."

Pink Ponce sat in a secluded corner of the library; her cheeks flushed as she devoured another racy novel. The twenty-three-year-old bombshell had been there for hours; legs crossed tightly as the stories stoked a fire deep in her core....

Touching Her

"Sometimes, just a touch, can push her over the edge"

His hand clutched the glassTeasing herTormenting herMaking her acheto be touched in placesonly seen by his eyesHis strengththe way his fingertipsdanced a tangoacross her skinThe intention with whichhe slid theminto her sweet abyssShe crossed her legsunderneath therestaurant tableattempting to stop...

Does She Want to Be Tamed ?

"Playing the game, brings its rewards"

Beneath twilightI abideto His commandsOur sensual gamesin which Hetakes my breath awayI know how to playMy roleHis controlHis delicious dark slutHis dusky girl“Tame me please”I proclaimMuffled pleas because I am gaggedHe can’t make me HisUnless I am mineWe know the...

A Needed Release.

"Cravings and needs met."

Ok, so I’ve had four horrid days of full-on work. I am stressed and grouchy and need looking after.You meet me at the door, naked, which instantly brings a smile to my face.And as I kick off my heels, shrug...

Where Angels Fear to Tread

"Don’t you just love those amazing connections where our souls speak the same language with breathtaking clarity."

I said“Let me take youto a place whereangels fear to tread,but your deepest desirescan be realised”She said“I’m telling youThat I need it.That I need youAnd this raw hunger Is all engulfingas destiny spins around meWith each press of your lipsunravelling my...

Words from my Muse

"Have you ever been so completely naked before someone ?"

Undress my soulIt's yours for the takingBreathe into memake me come aliveLet the warmth of our intimacyportray our wantsI want to feel your wordsglide gently across my skinTake your timethere’s no need to rushLet the passion take overmake me come...

She is My Craving

"To share a mutual craving for each other, is priceless"

You are thesheath of my soulthat perfectly fitssupporting all my needs.It is my desirethat your heartdances to thebeat of my heart.You are the loverof my bodywith its imperfections.Your fingers danceacross my skintwirling in the sanctuaryof my hairy chest.You claim ownershipof...

Her Sanctuary

"Secret places where hopes are born and new life begins"

I keep you in a secret place,where dreams do not die.Did you know that in my dreams,when you kiss me so deep,my demons whisper your name?Or, that when you respondto my every touch,it’s as if your body speaks in braille?Our...